Patrycja Masłowska

Performing Artist, LARP (Live Action Role Play) Designer for inner Development


Über mich:

"My deep inten­tion is to bring ideas into practice."
"I believe in pow­er of imagination."
"I’m deeply touched by what Charles Eisen­stein said that we are col­lec­tive­ly mov­ing from the sto­ry of sep­a­ra­tion into the sto­ry of Interbeing."


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Gesellschaftliche Themen, die mich bewegen und die ich bewege

"I work as a freelance performing artist. I design LARPs (Live Action Role Play) that are participatory platforms to practice emergent strategies and to foster collective experiences of speculation about transformative futures. My LARPs are often using eco-somatics as a main navigation tools: activating our inner plantness in order to re-member the feeling of interconnectedness."


My deep intention is to bring ideas into practice. I love reading speculative fiction and theoretical texts but for me the intellectual process, no matter how inspiring, needs to effect with the embodiment. Thus, I consider LARPs speculative fiction in practice, where players can actually activate their bodies in the act of speculation.


I belive in power of imagination. My mentor, Anna Nowicka, choreographer and dreaming practitioner, says that “imagination creates the body”. Once I heard these words they got deeply under my skin and everyday I unpack another layer of their meaning. In order to bring any kind of change, we have to first imagine it with our minds and, feel it in our bodies. This alchemy of imagination remains my great inspiration and fuel for my creative work.


I’m deeply touched by what Charles Eisenstein said that we are collectively moving from the story of separation into the story of Interbeing. This idea of collective movement responds to my deep longing for interpersonal, collective and interspecies re-connection.

My books recommedations:

“Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

“Emergent Strategies” by Adrienne Maree Brown

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